Data Analysis

Efficient Storage Solutions offers several data analysis tools that can help optimize warehouse productivity and performance. These tools are also an excellent way to assess the overall health of your operation.

Inventory Analysis

Do you have the right storage and media mix for your inventory at your warehouse?

We can help determine what is the most suitable and optimal storage media depending on your inventory levels and behavior. Floor storage vs full pallet vs half pallets vs hand-stack positions are considered. Below are some common symptoms which indicate that an Inventory Analysis will be beneficial:

  1. Cube space at locations not being used up to at least 85% of capacity
  2. Excessive time retrieving items from locations due to poor practices storing material among racking levels

SKU Rationalization

Do you have dead or slow SKUs consuming prime space at your warehouse?

We can help to identify low moving or dead SKUs among your inventory. If eliminating these SKUs is not an option, we can suggest the best way and the best place to handle these types of SKUs.


We can help your company take your operation to the next level by using barcoding and Radio Frequency (RF) technology. Barcoding will enable you to improve the accuracy of your put-away and picking operations. Below are some potential advantages:

  1. Heightened location inventory accuracy
  2. Increased picking accuracy by barcode pick confirmation
  3. Reduced time searching for items in your warehouse
  4. Ability to create put-away logic based on specific criteria
  5. Ability to create pick sequences based on specific criteria


Do you have the right SKU at the right location at the right time?

Inefficient or poor Slotting practices can lead to the following challenges:

  1. Excessive picking and travel times in your operation
  2. Labor congestion at your warehouse

We can help fine tune and maximize storage and picking operations by determining the optimal spot for every SKU in your warehouse based on the following criteria:

  • SKU sales velocity
  • Picking/Storage locations ranking
  • Ergonomics
  • Pick line accumulation

Labor Management

Labor is the most critical and expensive resource in your operation. How well are you managing your labor resources?

Efficient Storage Solutions can guide you in taking your labor management to the next level. We can help develop and improve the following labor areas:

  1. Standard Operations Procedures (SOPs) – Standardize your operation’s methods and improve quality by area by defining specific tasks and steps for your employees. SOPs are a great tool for new labor coming to your operation and can help reduce training time while keeping labor, tasks, and quality consistent.
  2. Labor Standards – Set solid expectations in terms of performance for your employees by specific task and area. Labor standards are an effective tool for improving performance while keeping all employees in a fair, accountable program. Based upon these standards, reachable goals are set for each activity in your warehouse based on proven labor methods and techniques.